
Radio DIY was a very low-power FM station, which since 2015 broadcast without a licence using a free channel found on 92.1MHz in the city of Rosario. The programming was in charge of people linked in some way to art, in the in the most inclusive sense.

During the first months, the project participated in the exhibition LXIX Salón Nacional de Rosario with the title Un estudio de radio en mi casa (A radio studio in my house). One of the objectives of the project was that the radio could be heard from the venue of the exhibition, in the Museo Municipal de Bellas Artes, but the signal was never strong enough to reach there.

The devices used in the study are a combination of DIY (do it yourself) technology and cheap, low-end devices, which explains the poor quality of some of the audio and the short range of the radio. However, for the radio to work, the ‘yourself’ that gives it its name had to be articulated with a ‘ourself’ recognising the proposal as a collaborative practice.

The following people participated in the first edition of DIY Radio (2015/6): Roberto Echen, Georgina Ricci, Clara Lopez Verrilli, Interferencias, Sub Escuela, Baró-Cutró, Eugenia Calvo, Cecilia Lenardón, Agustín González, Roberto Jacoby, Juan Barbieratti, Inti Pujol, Nilda Rosemberg, Claudia del Río, Anibal Brizuela, Gabriel González Suárez, Fausto Nascimbene, Luis Aviles. Then, in the following editions, the participation of: Brian Mackern, Dick Verdult, Gustavo Torrezán, Sofía Desuque, El Ruido es el mensaje + Sol Rezza, Soledad Sánchez Goldar.


Listen to DIY Radio programming (crappy quality):